Will Herbal Tea Dehydrate You?

Drinking tea can contribute to your daily fluid intake, though some varieties of the beverage may have diuretic properties that cause you to excrete more water than you consume. Caffeine in tea stimulates kidneys to produce more urine which causes dehydration; however, drinking non-caffeinated tea is still an effective way of meeting daily fluid requirements if you aren’t sensitive to its effects.

Caffeine needs to be consumed at doses greater than 500 mg daily in order to have any dehydrating effect, or approximately six to 13 cups of tea, in order for its effects to take place. Although most herbal teas don’t contain significant quantities of caffeine, some may cause diuresis due to their unique ingredients or biological properties of certain herbs – for instance alfalfa, birch leaf, burdock root, dandelion seeds, hawthorne leaves, juniper needles or winter cherry tea can cause you needing the restroom more often – therefore their consumption should be limited if trying to reach your hydration goals.

Though most herbal teas, like chamomile and peppermint varieties, don’t contain caffeine, some do. For example, yerba mate as well as black or green tea made with leaves, buds or twigs from Ilex paraguariensis plants contain caffeine; an average cup containing yerba mate contains 85 mg per cup – more than black tea but less than coffee!

Herbal teas that do not contain caffeine provide essential hydration by way of varieties like rose hips, elderflower, hibiscus, lavender or nettle – these contain bioactive compounds which offer stress management and immune system support, respectively.

Bottom line, if you aren’t sensitive to caffeine and its diuretic effects, tea is an effective way to maintain proper hydration levels. Water remains the best source of hydration as it contains no caffeine or sugar while providing essential vitamins. If your concern lies within maintaining adequate levels of hydration, consult with a healthcare provider as to which type of tea might best fit with your lifestyle – they can assist in selecting one that’s delicious as well as healthy. Note: this article was initially published July 2017 but has since been revised several times.